Bog Talk
From the boggy pits of Michigan, Mike and Alex bring you their takes on nerd culture, metal music and more.
Bog Talk
Bog Talk: Hawkeye Ch. 1-4 - Die Hard With A Bow
Bog Talk
This week we catch up with the first 4 episodes of Hawkeye. One liners, wacky action sequences and dad humor abound, it has not disappointed!
Next week we decide which horror franchise to go over for the holidays as well as edit out just SO much of Mikes fan-girling over the big reveal he totally called. (Spoilers, he makes predictions about Marvel stuff so often that in the game of numbers, he'll eventually be right.)
Head on over to the Swamp Club Discord Server for all of your Bog Talk/Bog Wraith needs! https://discord.gg/RJMNsy8 Rumor has it that we MAY have some merch soon. Follow us and the band proper on all the socials to be the first to know!