Bog Talk
Bog Talk
Lost In The Bog - Jack-O!
It is finally time. We join forces with the LITD boys for another edition of Lost In The Bog, where we finally get together to figure out this Jack-O thing once and for all.
Think you've got a more controversial movie for us to watch? Think you can maybe talk Mike down from his Xwing decorated clock tower again? Head over to the Swamp Club Discord and save Alex from Mikes mania. https://discord.gg/RJMNsy8 !!
Ever consider just how cool it would be to party in a Hover Castle? Maybe get some sneak peaks of Alex, Mike and the boys from Bog Wraith? Come over to our Patreon page and show us some love, and see how we do it all with behind the scenes content, sneak peaks and more! https://www.patreon.com/BogWraithMI