Bog Talk
From the boggy pits of Michigan, Mike and Alex bring you their takes on nerd culture, metal music and more.
Bog Talk
Bog Talk - Phase 3 Part 2: "Meanwhile... Before The Blip"
Bog Talk
The penultimate episode of our MCU round up! From the resurrection of the Thor franchise, to the undeserved hate of Captain Marvel... But Mike has his theories on pretty much everything, so... Be ready for that episode....
Edited Out: 24 straight minutes of trying to start the show and Alex scatting the Super Mario Theme.
The summer months approach and with them come the MULTIVERSE MURDERFEST! That's right folks, its that time! This time we've refined our rules to the relief of our multiversal lawyers to ensure less confusion, and less complete obliteration of entire universes. It got expensive last time, and with all of the money we saved, we made merch!